Monday, May 16, 2011

Project Day 1 - Genesis 33

Genesis 33
Jacob Meets Esau

After taking Esau's birthright and blessing and running away for 20 years, Jacob is finally returning home, and fretting about seeing his brother. Last time Jacob was close to Esau, Esau had threatened to kill Jacob.

Jacob chooses an absolute drove of animals to give to Esau as a gift to find favor in Esau's eyes. It turns out though that Esau doesn't care about the gifts, he is simply happy to see his brother. They part ways reconciled.

I can understand both sides of that situation. If I had wronged someone (which is not actually hypothetical, I have hurt people in the past) I would want to make amends and share my blessings with that person. Jacob's hurt and angst here are perfectly reasonable. He knew he had screwed his brother out of what was rightfully his, and he knew that it was his job to make that right to Esau.

On the other hand, if my brother or sister, did something underhanded and hurt me in some way I want to be open to forgiveness. I have spent time in my past holding on to the wrongs others have done to me. What a waste of energy! Life is so much better spent when I let go of the bad and let the forgiveness of Christ wash over me and those around me.

I cannot help thinking of all the wrong I have done to others while writing this post. If Christ has forgiven me and allowed me a fresh slate for all the things I have done, how can I withhold that from someone else?!

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