Friday, May 20, 2011

Moments in Motherhood

I'm having a rough morning, after having a rough night. My daughter is the cutest, sweetest, smartest, funniest little girl in the whole world WHEN SHE IS NOT TEETHING! As of right now though, she IS teething and is NOT my favorite person.

I feel very guilty about the way I react to her 'demon side' because I know she is in pain. I try to think compassionately about how her mouth must feel with all these teeth poking menacingly through her gums. But I fail continually, and I lose my temper. Instead of being loving and just holding her through the incessant crying, I set her down and walk away furious that I cannot do anything to make it better. And that of course just makes her more upset.

Romans 12:12 "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

That will be my mantra for the day!!! Joyful, patient, and faithful.

Brittany Dawn


  1. Im here if you ever need help, or an ear. I know it is tough but just remember how much you love her and how her smile melts your heart and the tough times will be easier. I know that when Madi cries or seems in pain and I cannot calm her I feel helpless.....I have to remind myself that this too will pass and be a distant memory. <3

  2. That's so very true Sabrina! It always passes, and then she has another smile on her face. It immediately makes me feel so stupid for getting caught up in the moment instead of just taking a breath and relaxing.
