Thursday, May 19, 2011

Genesis 37

Joseph's Dreams

Genesis chapter 37 begins the story of Joseph. We are introduced to Joseph and almost immediately told that he was the favorite of all Jacob's 12 sons (v3). He made Joseph a very "richly ornamented robe" which is an outward sign to the other 11 sons that Joseph is favored. No real hiding it, so in verse 4 we are told that the brothers hated Joseph because it was clear their father loved Joseph more than any of them.

If I clearly knew that someone harbored a grudge against me, or downright hated me, I think I would steer clear of that said person and keep my head down when I had to be around them. What does Joseph do? The COMPLETE opposite! He starts telling his brothers about these wild dreams he is having.

In verses 5-7 Joseph tells his brothers he had a dream where they were all binding sheaves of grain and all of a sudden Joseph's sheaf rose up and his brother's sheaves bowed down to Joseph's.

Umm, can someone please get Joseph a clue?! It's already been established that his brother's hate him, and instead of trying to smooth things over by any means, he is totally stirring the pot! His brother's freak out in anger asking Joseph if he "intends to reign over" them. In verse 8 it makes it abundantly clear that "they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said."

As if this isn't enough, Joseph has a second dream where the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to him. He again tells his brothers, and this time tells his father as well. Needless to say, it doesn't go over well and in verse 12 we see the evil plot forming in his brother's hearts.

His brother's want to kill him and tell their father he was torn apart by a wild animal. Reuben, the eldest, tries to save Joseph though. So instead of killing Joseph they end up selling him to a travelling group of merchants. From there, Joseph is sold to one of Pharaoh's officials in Egypt.

The brother's tear Joseph's robe, cover it in blood, and still tell their father that Joseph was killed by an animal.

Wow. This is the family God has chosen to bless throughout the ages. And yet they are a bunch of men with hate in their hearts due to jealousy, and murder on their minds.

That is what I love most about this! These are not 'holier than thou' people. They are not perfect! BUT, God has a plan for all of them, and we get to watch it unfold. It's the perfect reminder that I will never be perfect, but that does not mean that God isn't working through me or using me to unwittingly fulfill his purposes. In fact, I often wonder what would be said about my life if it were written like a Bible story! Hmm... Just food for thought.

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